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Services at Oakdale are a time of music, worship, and praise.   To “praise” is to commend the worth of and glorify God. To “worship” is to show intense love and admiration for God.  Join us!
Morning Worship

Our morning worship services takes place in the sanctuary, and you can enter through several different doors in the back of the church. 


Our worship style is "insprirational" - and talented musicians are an important part of this worship.   We invite you to come just as you are - dress ranges from suits and dresses to more casual and jeans.  The most important thing is that you join us. 

A nursery is provided for infants and preschool ages children during sunday school and worship. 

Sunday School

Our Sunday School classes help you gain a better understanding of the Bible, build stronger relationships, and get answers to life’s toughest issues in a smaller setting than a worship service.

Sunday School glasses are typically grouped by ages, and range from young children, to our senior adults.

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